Is 920 a Good SAT Score? 

An SAT score 920 might leave you wondering if this is a good result. The answer to that question depends mainly on your goals and the universities or colleges you are interested in attending.

Understanding SAT Scores

Firstly, it’s essential to understand how SAT scores work. The SAT is divided into two sections: Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW). Each section is scored on a scale of 200-800, making the highest possible score 1600.

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Average SAT Scores

The College Board, which administers the SAT, reports that the average SAT score for all test-takers is approximately 1059. Therefore, a score of 920 is below average. While this might seem disappointing, remember that the SAT score is just one aspect of your college application.

Your score places you in the bottom 26th percentile nationwide, indicating below-average performance in the Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing sections of the SAT.

With a score of 920 out of a maximum of 1600, you have achieved 57% of the total possible points.

If this score does not meet the requirements of your preferred college, consider enrolling in a test prep course to improve your results.

Evaluating Your Score

The critical factor when evaluating your SAT score is the admission requirements of the colleges or universities you’re applying to.

Reach, Match, and Safety Schools

It’s helpful to categorize your prospective schools into three groups: reach, match, and safety. Reach schools are those where your SAT score is below the 25th percentile of admitted students. Match schools are where your score is close to the average, and safety schools are those where your score is above the 75th percentile. With a score of 920, you’ll be aiming for colleges where this score is within the 50th percentile of their admitted students.

Which colleges are a good match for you

If you have scored 920 on your SATs, this positions you within the average range for accepted students at 214 U.S. colleges. This list showcases popular colleges where your application is likely competitive, considering their historical acceptance of students with a 920 SAT score. However, it is essential to note that a strong SAT score is not the sole criterion for admission. Many colleges now have a test-optional policy. Maintaining a Grade Point Average (GPA) that aligns with the college’s expectations for incoming students is equally important. This list has been compiled based on a comprehensive analysis of SAT scores from students admitted to all U.S. colleges.

Colleges you CAN’T get into with a 920 SAT score.

While it is crucial to understand the colleges that align with your test scores, it is also worth considering the institutions you may have narrowly missed. This is not to discourage you but rather to provide a goal to strive for when retaking the SAT.

With a score of 920 on the SAT, it is unlikely that you will be competitive for admission to the top 10 universities and Ivy League schools. These prestigious institutions include Harvard, MIT, UPenn, Caltech, Brown, and Princeton, which are widely recognized and highly sought-after.

Typically, colleges with an acceptance rate below 20% do not admit students with a 920 SAT score. Their selective admission policies limit them to accepting only the most accomplished individuals from their applicant pool.

What you should do now.

Now that you know that a 920 score could be better, you have better understood how it compares to other applicants and its influence on your chances of admission to your desired schools. The next step is to consider the appropriate course of action.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

It can be disheartening to receive your eagerly awaited standardized test results and find that your score could be more desired. This can be particularly challenging to accept if you have invested considerable time and effort in preparation. However, it is essential to remember that a score of 920 on the SAT does not signify the end of the world. Take a moment to compose yourself and refrain from being overly critical. Conserve your energy as you move forward toward your goals.

Take a break (if you need it).

After months of SAT preparation, taking a brief respite from standardized tests to reset and rejuvenate is essential. As long as you have ample time (we suggest taking the SAT early!), you won’t have any difficulties refraining from dwelling on the SAT to allow yourself a break. Instead, you can direct your attention to other aspects of your application to maintain productivity.

Be honest about your effort.

The significance of honesty cannot be overstated in this matter. It is crucial to assess the level of preparation for the SAT. The response to this inquiry is pivotal in determining the required effort for future studies. If no preparation was made, it becomes evident that studying is indispensable to attain the desired score. Conversely, if time was invested in SAT preparation, evaluating the effectiveness of various strategies and discarding the ineffective ones is essential.

Schedule a new test date.

The SAT is administered in numerous locations nationwide, offering convenient scheduling options to accommodate your availability. Selecting a test date that allows ample preparation time while ensuring timely receipt of results for college applications is crucial. Therefore, we recommend promptly scheduling a new SAT once you have achieved a score of 920.

Get ready to retake it.

Now comes the challenging part. Regardless of the amount of prior studying, it is essential to prepare for the SAT again. With a score of 920, there is a potential for a 310-point improvement, which is significant. It is crucial to develop a clear, practical, and actionable strategy to reliably enhance performance to achieve a higher score on the subsequent examination. Rest assured, we will provide valuable tips to improve your score in future attempts.

How to Improve Your Score

If you’re not satisfied with a 920 SAT score, don’t worry. There are numerous resources available to help you improve.

Test Prep Resources

Investing in SAT prep books, finding a tutor, or using online resources can significantly boost your score. The College Board offers free online prep through a partnership with Khan Academy.

Retaking the SAT

Most students improve their scores by retaking the SAT. Remember, you can take the test more than once; colleges generally consider your highest score.


In conclusion, a 920 SAT score below the national average does not spell the end of your college dreams. It’s vital to consider the requirements of your target schools and take steps to improve your score if necessary.

Remember, your SAT score is just one part of your college application, and many other factors, like your GPA, extracurricular activities, and personal essays, are considered by admission officers. Keep working hard, and you’ll find the right college for you.

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